Life insurance is one of the most important, yet misunderstood forms of insurance. Don’t let myths get in the way of you securing an important type of protection for you and your family. Here are some of the more popular myths about life insurance in Rochester, MN. At the Safechoice Insurance Agency, we want you to know why you should disregard these myths.
Myth: Life Insurance Becomes More Expensive as You Age
This myth often comes up because of a misunderstanding. It’s true that premiums can become more expensive if you wait too long to start a life insurance policy. For example, it’s more cost feasible to start at 30 than it is to start at 50. Once you actually have your policy, this no longer applies. Your rates don’t increase as you age.
Myth: If You Have Life Insurance Through an Employer, You Don’t Need Your Own Policy
Many employers offer some form of life insurance as a part of their benefits package. These types of offerings can help, and you should definitely take advantage of them if they’re free or absurdly low cost. However, there’s no guarantee your employer’s plan will have the adequate amount of insurance for your needs.
In addition, that life insurance may only last for as long as you work for that employer. Don’t think of it as a full policy, just a perk. You still should have your own life insurance policy.
Myth: You Don’t Need Life Insurance if You’re Young or Have No Children
You don’t have to wait until you’re older, more financially secure, or a parent. You can lock in good rates when you’re younger. It’s an excellent idea to have coverage before your life starts to change. Life insurance is also a good idea if you have any debt that may remain with someone else, such as co-signed student loan debt.
There are many other life insurance myths in Rochester, MN besides these. At the Safechoice Insurance Agency, we want to help you get beyond the myths so you can pick up the coverage you need. Contact us today to learn more.