Top Questions to Ask About Your RV Insurance Policy.

As the owner of a recreational vehicle you know that it is not a standard vehicle; therefore a standard auto insurance policy is not enough to adequately protect your RV. It is important to ask the right questions about your policy to be properly insured.

What are the use limitations in my RV insurance policy?

This is a critical question to ask, because if you go outside your limits, you may find yourself without coverage. Some plans may only cover a certain amount of days, typically 150 days on the road, for RV use while providing all year coverage for mobile home use. You will want to speak with your Safechoice Insurance Agency representative and make sure your policy will cover you for your usage.

What type of add-on coverage does my policy provide?

Because you and your RV can find yourself in various situations, there are many practical add-on coverages available in the marketplace. If you do not want to find yourself stranded, one of the most popular add-ons is 24-hour roadside assistance. This coverage will give you the comfort of knowing your vacation will not be cut short.

Does my policy cover my personal property in the RV?

Unlike a standard auto policy, you can purchase coverage for your personal property through your RV insurance policy. You will want to come up with a list of inventory to provide to your insurance agent. You may also want to discuss covering custom features that you have added to the RV. If you purchase new equipment for your next trip outside Rochester, MN, make sure to update your policy, so it is covered.

If you have additional questions about RV insurance, reach out to an agent at Safechoice Insurance Agency, we proudly serve the Rochester, MN area.


Three things you need to know about your liabilities when riding your ATV

A lot of ATV riders in Rochester, MN aren’t too sure whether or not insurance coverage is necessary for them. As a general rule, you don’t absolutely have to have insurance on your ATV if you are only going to be riding it on your property. However, you may need or want to purchase coverage through a provider like Safechoice Insurance Agency if you’ll be riding your ATV on public or private properties. 

The following are three things ATV riders need to know about their financial liabilities:

Having an ATV insurance policy is a good idea whether or not you’ll be taking your ATV off of your property.

Even if you’re only going to be riding on your property, insurance coverage is important to cover your liabilities if you allow guests to ride your ATV on your property. You will be liable for any accidents that happen on your property. While some homeowner’s insurance policies may cover you in this situation, they won’t necessarily offer coverage. It’s important to look into this matter if you expect your homeowner’s insurance to cover ATV use on your property. 

Some state parks require that ATV riders have an insurance policy covering their ATV.

Before you use your ATV at any state park or on any public properties, you need to look into rules and regulations regarding coverage. Look into the rules and regulations in place before you go riding on any public properties. 

If you take out a loan to purchase an ATV, you’ll need insurance.

It’s always necessary to have insurance coverage if you’re financed to purchase an ATV. Until your loan’s paid off and you own your ATV outright, you’ll need both liability on collision coverage. 

Importance of Individual Health Insurance

Without a shadow of a doubt, individual health insurance can never be ignored when it comes to safeguarding one’s life.

Importance of Individual Health Insurance  

  • Insured people receive better and timely healthcare – People who are not insured receive fewer preventive benefits and get less screening. Screening is essential as some diseases like breast cancer and cervical cancer can be detected in the early stages and cured. Uninsured pregnant women tend to receive little pre-natal care, which is not advocated for in regards to the health of the mother and the baby.
  • Individual health insurance benefits the people with the discounted medical prices. The discounted prices are negotiated by the private health plans and some are imposed by the public programs. People who are not insured tend to struggle with huge medical bills. These medical bills have been a source of bankruptcies in many families.
  • Better health outcome –people who are not insured tend to get sick from time to time and may die prematurely. Insured individuals receive better healthcare and tend to live a better life with controlled health conditions. No matter the condition, one is able to reap maximum benefits of an insurance plan. Individual health Insurance safeguards one’s health in general.
  • Individual health insurance saves a lot of money. People spend their lifetime savings and other resources trying to cater for huge medical bills. Medical insurance plans cater for the patients’ medical needs, thus saving them even when they are financially down. Uninsured patients may be a source of burden to other family members who are unable to cater for the hospital bills. The health insurance saves the insured individuals from the unexpected and the high medical costs as no one plans to fall ill.

If you want a reliable insurance provider, then Safechoice Insurance Agency is a good option to consider. The company operates in Rochester, MN and other regions to provide professional insurance services.


4 Signs You Need Toy Insurance

Toy insurance refers to the many items you own that aren’t strictly necessary, but that you still want to keep. A jet ski, an ATV, a snowmobile: these are all expensive purchases in Rochester, MN you should be protecting. Toy insurance can help, so keep these signs in mind for the best in financial help should you need it. 

1. You Use Your Toys 

Your jet ski doesn’t just sit around summer after summer while you find other things to do with your spare time. You take it out, and you make sure you get your money’s worth. The more times you’re out with it though, the more likely it is something will happen where you’ll wish you had coverage. 

2. You Stand to Lose 

If you know you would definitely want to buy another snowmobile if yours was stolen, Safechoice Insurance Agency can help you find the best way to keep yourself from having to pay the full cost of replacement (or even half the cost.)

3. Your Toys Were an Investment

If your ATV is something you’re planning to give to your children’s children, then you need to protect it. More than just working out the kinks on your own or replacing a part or two, insurance covers a variety of scenarios so you can ensure these memory-laden objects are passed down when the time comes. 

4. You Need Someone Who Understands 

Your neighbors might not understand the full value of what’s sitting in your driveway or garage, but the staff at Safechoice Insurance Agency does. We’re here to assist all the people of Rochester, MN with their questions today. Let us figure out a way for you keep your items safe from both natural and man-made harm when you give us a call.

How Life Insurance Protects Your Family in Rochester, MN

A study by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners found that less half of young people with families had life insurance. Those that did have life insurance, did not have enough. On average, their policies only provided enough funding for approximately three years. Life insurance is important financial protection for the family in the event of the untimely death of one or both spouses.  Without this important protection, financial security would be uncertain for the survivors. The team at Safechoice Insurance Agency, serving Rochester MN, understands the importance of adequate life insurance. They will work with you to get the protection your family needs.

When deciding how much life insurance is needed, consider your current income.  It’s also important to consider if you would like to set aside funds for your child’s future education. If you have other dependents, such as aging parents or siblings, who would be impacted by your death, they will be factored into your decision-making process. Insurance monies will also need to your final expenses and debts. To ensure that you have enough coverage, remember to include estate taxes and inflation. Also, take into account any life insurance policies that you have through work or veteran’s insurance. Social Security also provides some benefits.   

There is a lot that goes into deciding the amount of life insurance coverage that your family needs. Thankfully, you don’t have to go through the thought process alone. The insurance pros at Safechoice Insurance Agency, serving Rochester MN, can help explain all of your options. Then give them a call or drop by their office.  They ready to help you protect your family today!

The Difference Between Professional Liability Insurance a General Liability Insurance

With so many different kinds of commercial insurance, it can be difficult do know what is right for your business. At Safechoice Insurance Agency, we want to make sure your Rochester, MN business is properly protected. That is why we want to outline the difference between Professional Liability Insurance and General Liability Insurance. While the two share similar names, each provides different forms of coverage, so understanding the difference is essential in finding the right business insurance coverage. 

General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance provides basic coverage for you, your business and your employees should one of your products or services cause property or bodily damage to a recipient of the product. 

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance is a bit different from General Liability Insurance in that it protects you should a former client attempt to sue you for not putting forward your best effort. For example, a former client may attempt to sue an attorney, saying the attorney did not put in their complete effort. General Liability Insurance does not provide this kind of coverage. 

When is Professional Liability Insurance Desired?

While the general insurance is an excellent insurance add-on for any business, Professional Liability Insurance is more suited for professional firms where a service is offered (instead of a product). This can include everything form a hair salon to insurance agent, lawyer or accountant. Your commercial insurance agency can help decide what form of coverage is best for your business. 

No matter the kind of business you run, having the right kind of insurance coverage is essential in protecting your company. At Safechoice Insurance Agency, we are all about assisting you and your Rochester, MN company. So whether you have questions about available insurance options or are in need of specific coverage, we are here to help

Why You Really Need Commercial Insurance

Doing business in Rochester, MN involves obtaining the necessary commercial insurance. Many business owners are unaware of why they need commercial insurance, and this can be dangerous. If you lack sufficient coverage, it could end up costing you a significant amount of money, and possibly even your entire business.

Protect Your Employees

Your employees need protection. It is not only the law, it is also good business. Employees want to feel as though they are safe when they are working on your property. This means you need to obtain liability insurance and, depending upon how many employees you have, you may also need workers compensation insurance.

Protect Your Property

Anything can happen to your property, just as anything could happen to your home. You don’t want to lose your property due to a storm, fire, or anything else. Should something happen, you want to be able to turn to the insurance company. As such, property insurance on a commercial level is a necessity.

Protect Your Finances

Should something happen to your business, such as a lawsuit, a fire, data loss, or anything else, it could end up costing you a significant amount of money. With commercial insurance, you can turn to the insurance company and file a claim. As long as you have the coverage, they will take care of the expenses involved with whatever has gone wrong. Without the coverage, however, you could end up spending tens of thousands of dollars. Depending upon what your bottom line looks like, this could be enough to bankrupt you and cause you to close your doors forever.

At Safechoice Insurance Agency, you can call to talk to an independent insurance agent to learn more about commercial insurance. One of our agents can help you every step of the way.


Ways To Find Affordable RV Insurance

You should never pay more for RV insurance in Rochester, MN than what is absolutely necessary. Take the time to explore what’s available so that you can get an affordable premium as well as plenty of coverage. Finding a policy is easier than you might think.

Explore Discounts

Discounts may exist from a variety of insurance companies. You may qualify for discounts if you are a safe driver, have taken various safety courses, or have multiple insurance policies from a single company. Taking the time to see what is available may be able to save you a significant amount of money over the course of the year.

Compare Coverage

Not all companies price their coverage the same. Further, the coverage may vary from company to company. This means that you will want to get quotes from multiple companies and compare what is being offered. If you accept the first deal from the first company, you may be missing out on a lower price somewhere else.

Ultimately, you want to find a happy balance between an affordable policy and all of the necessary coverage that you want. This will allow you to drive your RV when and where you want while enjoying peace of mind.

Work with an Agent

While you can get some decently priced policies for RV insurance over the Internet, it is much easier to work with an independent insurance agent. This is because an agent will know what companies to look at and do all of the work on your behalf. They can then guide you towards the best policies for you and your budget.

At SafeChoice Insurance Agency we are here to help you find RV insurance that meets your budget. Call today to learn more about how we can help to save you money.


Minnesota Commercial Vehicle Insurance

If you need a vehicle to help maintain your business, then you will have to acquire commercial vehicle insurance. In Minnesota, like many other states, it is necessary for you to have insurance on your business cars and trucks.

Who Needs Commercial Vehicle Insurance?

You will need insurance if you are using a vehicle for any reason that is related to your business. If your company requires you to have several employees to drive, then you will need insurance to cover them and your company vehicles. For example, if your employees deliver pizza or other goods daily, they will need to be covered in case there is an accident.

Types of Commercial Auto Insurance

  • Bodily Injury Liability – covers you if your employees hurt someone during an accident.
  • Property Damage Liability – helps prevent you from paying for property or vehicles that are damaged.
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist – gives you coverage if you are involved in an accident with a person who does not have enough insurance to cover the damage.
  • Medical Payments – allows you to pay for your medical bills if you are injured during an auto accident.
  • Collision Coverage – covers damage to your business vehicle if it is involved in an accident with another car or object, such as a building or telephone pole.
  • Comprehensive Coverage – offers you coverage if your business vehicle is damaged due to something other than a collision, like vandalism, fire, or storm.
  • Other Options – roadside assistance and rental reimbursement are options that you may consider when thinking about buying commercial auto insurance.

Get assistance and information from the independent insurance agents at Safechoice Insurance Agency. Located in Rochester, Minnesota, they can help you with your commercial auto insurance as well as providing options for home, life, health, and other insurance needs.

An explanation of motorcycle insurance coverages

Motorcycle insurance provides the motorcycle owner with financial coverage in cases where he or she is involved in an accident. It not only covers their injuries, but provides coverage when damage is done to their or another person’s property. If you decide to purchase a motorcycle you are required by law in all states to purchase some type of motorcycle insurance, although the amounts of motorcycle insurance you are required to purchase may vary.

Types of motorcycle insurance

Every kind of motorcycle insurance has the same purpose, to financially protect the motorcycle rider and person harmed by the motorcycle rider, and their property. But not every kind of coverage insures the same scenarios. Some of the more popular coverages are:

  • Property damage liability motorcycle insurance– This type of insurance helps you cover the damage to the other vehicle and property owned by the victim when you are at fault in a traffic accident.
  • Medical Payment Insurance- This insurance covers the medical needs that regular liability does not cover, such as health insurance deductibles, dental care, funeral costs, prescription drugs, etc.
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage– This motorcycle insurance covers you, if you happen to be in an accident with an uninsured motorist.

Motorcycle coverage required in Rochester MN

In Minnesota motorcycle owners are not only required to purchase liability insurance, but are also required by law to carry underinsured and non-insured coverage as well.

Contact a Motorcycle insurance provider

Obtaining the right coverages, and the right amount of coverage, for your motorcycle in the Rochester, Minnesota area can be a complicated decision. It is important that you speak with a knowledgeable motorcycle insurance agent to assist you. Call the insurance agents at Safechoice Insurance Agency today for a no-obligation quote.