Avoid Motorcycle Theft Using These Tips

Motorcycle theft happens more often than people would like or even care to admit. It is relatively easy to steal a bike if it is not properly secured. For motorcycle owners, however, it is always a good idea to practice precaution to ensure that their property remains their property. Use these tips to keep your motorcycle safe and prevent theft. 

  • Install a tracking system on your motorcycle before anything can happen. In the case that your motorcycle is stolen, you can easily track it and have a better chance of recovering it before anything bad happens to it. It is not enough to simply rely on alarms that are built in anymore because most people do not pay attention to car or motorcycle alarms anyway. Do yourself a favor and develop a better system to protect your motorcycle. 
  • When parking in public, choose the parking spot wisely. You may be tempted to park in the spot that is surrounded by other cars because it might provide some visibility shelter. However, this is not the best place to park your motorcycle because if someone wants to steal it, they can also do so without many, if any, people seeing them. Instead, always park it where it is visible and near to a security camera or light if available. 
  • Keep your motorcycle out of sight when at home. If you can, park it in a garage. If you do not have a garage, park it where it cannot be easily seen and cover it up with a cover that blends in. 

Even with the best-laid plans, there is always still a possibility that someone will try to steal your motorcycle. The best option you have would be to ensure you have motorcycle proper insurance. Contact Safechoice Insurance Agency serving Rochester, MN to explore your options. 

Why Independent Insurance Agents Matter

No matter what type of insurance you’re looking to get for yourself or your family, making final coverage decisions can be difficult and complicated. In many cases, consumers assume that their best option is to go through one of the major companies they’ve seen advertised on TV, the majority of which are direct-writer insurance companies whose employees focus predominantly on bringing business to a single company. There is another option, however: an independent insurance agency (like Safechoice Insurance Agency), whose agents work one-on-one with customers to discuss their insurance options and legalities in greater detail. Independent insurance agents can also direct you to a variety of insurance companies rather than a single entity, depending on which is best for you. 

In their capacity as individuals representing the needs of the consumer, independent agents are well-versed in state law and strive to stay up-to-date with any changes. Because different types of insurance laws vary from state to state, it is important to make sure that they are always properly considered with regard to one’s situation and insurance needs. With so many subtleties and potential legal trouble if you do not have the appropriate insurance to meet state laws, it is quite convenient for you and your loved ones to be able to leverage the expertise of an independent agent who not only knows the law but can compare coverage for you. 

If you are looking for auto, home, commercial, life or other types of insurance, consider discussing your needs and options with an independent agent from Safechoice Insurance Agency. Your Safechoice Insurance agent will be able to work with you and your state’s laws (Safechoice Insurance Agency currently serves both Minnesota and Wisconsin) to determine the best, most affordable coverage options for you.

Avoid Motorcycle Deer Crashes in Rochester

During the fall, many motorcycle enthusiasts like to take to the open roads in Rochester, Minnesota and enjoy the cool, crisp autumn weather. Although motorcycle riders need to be constantly aware of their surroundings, one particular hazard to watch out for is deer. In motorcycle crashes involving deer, there is a significant risk of the accident proving fatal for both the rider and the animal.

Basic Road Safety

Watching out for deer at all times while riding a motorcycle is a good idea, but be particular mindful at dawn and dusk. This is when deer activity is at its peak and the animals are more likely to run out onto the road. Since deer travel together, don’t assume if you avoid colliding with one, you’re in the clear. Always keep watch for the deer’s companions. This is why it’s important to ride in a staggered formation if you’re traveling with a pack of motorcycles. If you see a deer crossing sign while riding, reduce your driving speed, cover your brake, and use your high-beam headlights as a precaution.

Unavoidable Collision

Brake firmly if you see a deer in your cross hairs in lieu of swerving. If your motorcycle isn’t stable, you are more likely to sustain a serious injury. If you have the time, flash your headlights at the deer in order to hopefully startle the animal enough to move out of your path. Revving your engine and honking your horn may help too, but you shouldn’t completely rely on this method.    

As part of staying safe during deer season in Rochester, Minnesota, you need to have the right level of insurance coverage for your motorcycle. Safechoice Insurance Agency provides quick and easy quotes on motorcycle insurance policies. The agents can let you know what policies have you covered in case of a collision with a deer.

Roommates and Renters Insurance – 3 Tips

Having a roommate is a great way to cut expenses. But how does sharing an apartment or house with another person affect your insurance coverage? Here are three tips for understanding roommates and renters insurance.

Tip #1: Have the Discussion

It is important to discuss renters insurance with your roommate from the beginning and decide how to handle the process. Many people wrongly believe that only one of the tenants needs to have a policy in force for everybody in the household to be covered. It is also important to discuss the amount of coverage needed for both personal property and liability. By taking the time to make sure all parties have the right amount of insurance coverage, you can rest assured that you both will be taken care of if there is ever a claim.

Tip #2: Consider Separate Policies

Many renters insurance carriers allow two unrelated adults to be on one policy together. However, this can cause a problem if you every have a falling out or one roommate relocates. In addition, if two parties are on the same policy, they will both have to sign in order to cash any future claims checks. This is why it is important to consider having separate policies. This way, each roommate has adequate coverage to meet his or her needs without being completely tied to each other.

Tip #3: Understand What is Actually Covered

When it comes to roommate and renters insurance, it is important to understand what is actually covered. Instances where a bad roommate destroys or steals your personal property are often considered intentional acts—something that is usually excluded from coverage.

Learn more about renters insurance coverage and having a roommate. Contact our team at Safechoice Insurance Agency today for more details.

What Is The Cost Of Health Insurance?

With the affordable care act in place, many people want to know what the cost of health insurance is. When you live in Rochester, MN, there are various factors that go into the calculation of a policy for you and your family.

The Affordable Care Act has reduced the cost of health insurance for many people. If you have not been able to get group health coverage through an employer or association, you will want to look at an individual policy.

Some of the factors that go into a policy include:

-The insurance company you chose to work with
-The level of coverage wanted
-Pre-existing conditions
-Use of tobacco
-Age of insured

One of the best things to do is call and work with one of our independent insurance agents so we can talk to you more about what your options for health coverage are. No plan can exclude you from coverage if you have a pre-existing condition anymore and this is a good thing.

The cost of health insurance may be more expensive in Rochester than it is in other parts of the country, though it may also be more affordable. We will calculate the cost of insurance by getting quotes from multiple insurance companies. This will allow us to make comparisons and show you how changing some coverage can help to keep a policy affordable.

There are all sorts of options to help you obtain health insurance in Minnesota while making it affordable. Our goal is to help everyone get insured so you have the health protection needed.

Make the call today and let one of our agents work with you on health insurance. We can find a policy for you and the whole family and get quotes from multiple companies so you can compare more effectively.


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Affordable Health Insurance: How To Find A Policy

When you’re looking for a health insurance policy in Rochester, MN, you have options. One of your top focuses should be on finding affordable coverage, but not to the point where you don’t have the needed protection.

You want to look at coverage in terms of your preventative care, sick care, and prescriptions. For example, if you have a pre-existing condition the insurance companies cannot deny you coverage. However, it may require a lot of prescriptions to keep the coverage under control and that is when you want to make sure prescriptions are going to be affordable.

If you cannot get under a group plan or a group plan is too expensive, you have the ability to go the individual route, and this can be arranged for families as well.

The best way to find a policy is to work with one of our independent insurance agents. The benefit to working with us is that we work with many of the top health insurance companies who are licensed in the state of Minnesota. We can tell you what they each offer and obtain quotes so you can focus on the overall affordability of a policy.

There are HMOs, PPOs, and health savings accounts to explore. Even within a single company, there could be various coverage levels. You will want to look at the overall cost for health insurance, not just the premium. This means looking at co-pays and deductibles to determine what your total out of pocket expense for healthcare is over the course of a year.

You don’t have to make any decisions on your own. We have educated agents to help you every step of the way. We can answer questions you have and obtain quotes to be able to make informed decisions about your healthcare coverage.

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The Versatility of Whole Life Insurance

Most insurance is pretty straight forward. However, Whole life insurance offers more benefits than just paying in the event of the insured’s death. Whole life policies can build value through the years and that value can be tapped into for a variety of reasons.

Some young families will purchase a whole life policy for a child and use the value to help pay for college. Others will tap into the value of a whole life policy to help finance the down payment on a house or to take advantage of a business opportunity. It is a financial asset that can come in very handy in an emergency.

The cash value of a policy is also versatile in the fact that it can still provide coverage even if you have tapped into its value. Policy loans are available at attractive rates that allow you to borrow against it. If death would occur while the loan is still unpaid, the loan amount would be deducted from the proceeds.

Whole life insurance is a good choice for those who may have difficulty saving money. It provides valuable life insurance protection while having an element of “forced savings”.

If you live in the Rochester, MN area and are interested in learning more about the versatility of whole life insurance, contact us at Safechoice Insurance Agency. We are an independent insurance agency with access to multiple insurance providers. This gives us the opportunity to shop around for the best coverage at an excellent price. You can compare homeowners and auto insurance rates right online. Visit our website and answer a few questions to get your quote.

For life insurance questions and quotes contact us. Remember, one of the major factors in life insurance pricing is age, so it may never be cheaper. Contact Safechoice Insurance Agency.

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Life Insurance: Is It Necessary?

Life insurance is not required like auto and health insurance, but it is still a good idea to have. There are many types of life insurance and it can provide your family with protection in the event of your death. It is not a necessity for you, but the benefit that is left behind may be a necessity for your spouse and your children.

There are going to be expenses that occur when you die. There are not only funeral costs, but also living expenses that must be dealt with. If you are no longer around to provide income, it can be hard for your family to cover the mortgage, debt, and many other expenses. The death benefit can provide this financial assistance.

It’s important to figure out how much you need. Some questions you may want to ask include:

– How much family income do you provide?
– Are children’s college tuition costs taken care of?
– How much would my spouse be left with?
– What are the estate taxes to be paid?

All of these questions and more have to be considered when you shop for life insurance. Our independent agents can help you determine what kind of coverage you need. This way you can obtain a policy and have the protection for your family. If you should pass before your family members you know that they are taken care of, at least financially.

Many people believe life insurance is for them. It’s not; it’s for those you leave behind. Depending upon where you are in life, there will be different considerations to make with a life insurance policy.

You want the best protection you can in Rochester, MN and we’re here to help. Call and talk to an agent today so we can talk to you more about the options that exist.

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When Making the Safe Choice is the Right Choice

There are times when you just can’t afford take risks. When it comes to surgery and health related procedures, people come from all over the world to visit the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. In fact, three presidents have traveled here, including Reagan, Ford and George H.W. Bush. Yes, there are times when you can’t take a chance.

Going into business, however, seems to always have its risks. Business owners try to minimize those risks, coming up with a solid business plan and adequate financing to get through the tough spots. A good marketing plan, long hours and hard work will help make a business successful, but again, there are no guarantees.

Businesses are at risk from competitors, a change in the market or technology, and from losses due to theft or storm damage. Businesses are also in constant danger from liability risks. This is where a solid loss prevention and business insurance program can help. It is also when making the Safechoice is making the right choice.

Safechoice Insurance Agency serves Rochester businesses and families with access to a variety of insurance providers. This ability to get quotes is a result of our status as an independent agency serving the 55901 zip code area. If you own a business or live in the Rochester area, you are invited to visit our website. There, you can get a comparative quote on your homeowners or auto insurance. Once you see how we can save you money, you’ll want to discuss your business insurance with us.

You take enough risks by being in business for yourself. Make sure you are protected adequately from events that can stop you in your tracks. Contact Safechoice Insurance Agency today and see why the Safechoice is the right choice.

The “Shocking” Cost of Replacing Your Electronics

Rochester, MN is known for its cold winters, but we can have extreme weather anytime of the year. Did you know, for example, that two F4 tornadoes have hit our community since 1953? What is interesting is that the first of those, in 1953, occurred in May. The other struck in mid-September. That second storm hit in 1962. Of course, it doesn’t take an F4 tornado to cause damage. Heavy rains and winds can cause damage almost anytime.

If you own a business in the Rochester area, are you convinced you have the proper business insurance to cover you in such a storm? Consider your electronics and computers for example. Today, most businesses rely on their computers, software and electronics to conduct business. They help us complete transactions, stay in contact with customers, and hold a significant amount of critical business information. If your policy just covers the cost of replacing equipment, you may be in for a shock. What about the software and the data on those computers? What about the cost of setting up a new network? Recovering from damage to electronic will likely cost you more time and money than simple replacement of a piece of equipment.

If you are unsure, we invite you to contact us at Safechoice Insurance Agency. As independent agents serving the 55901 zip code area, we can review your policy from any company. We can also search multiple providers for a better rate if you choose. We also invite you to get comparative rates on auto and homeowners insurance from our website. We believe once you see how we can save you, you will want to do all of your insurance business with us.

Contact us at Safechoice Insurance agency today and avoid the shocking true costs of damage to your business electronics.